CWAC is not keeping Winsford and elsewhere commercially competitive and so creating jobs: the global access of Manchester and Liverpool airports and local schooling are underplayed; Winsford going upmarket means £5m houses for top executives.
CWAC have no purpose for the Lion Salt Works and a test of financial sustainability. Cllr Gittins will confirm that she rejected an investigation into possible corruption at Vale Royal, where the rich have got richer at the expense of heritage, “as Vale Royal was the responsibility of VRBC”.
I have a proposal for local commercial competitiveness but this requires a stand-alone Anderton boat lift with its own accounts, and its losses identified. The Canal system requires government subsidies. Adding financial losses to the Canal and River Trust, as with the Anderton, is not sustainable.
Vote Independent Charlton for motion to CWAC to:
1. Have the losses of the Anderton boat lift identified and then the Anderton boat lift and
Lion Salt works as stand-alone. If the losses at the Anderton Boat Lift cannot be agreed, the Anderton and the Lion Salt Works should be delisted.
2. Investigate possible corruption at Vale Royal.
3. Create a public/private partnership to develop the Winsford Guildhall.